Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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Personal page of Torbjørn Soligard

Details about researcher: Torbjørn Soligard

Portrait of Torbjørn Soligard

Torbjørn Soligard



+ 41 21 621 65 04


Torbjørn Soligard is a former PhD-student at the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, where his fields of research were prevention and risk factor analysis of injuries in football.

In May 2011, Torbjørn defended his PhD thesis at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, which in addition to risk factor and compliance studies, included the randomized controlled trial documenting the effect of FIFA's 11+ injury prevention program.

Torbjørn has a Master of Science degree from the Department of Sports Medicine at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, where he investigated playing surface as a risk factor for football injury.

Torbjørn is now working as a Scientific Manager at the Medical & Scientific Department of the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, where his main focus is protection of the health of athletes.

