Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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List of news

  • “Handball goalie’s elbow” likely due to valgus impact loading

    The diagnosis of ‘‘handball goalie’s elbow’’ covers symptoms seen in the elbow of the goalkeepers; pain, weakness, reduced range of motion, apprehension, numbness, swelling, clicking, locking, and instability. It is previously believed that the this injury is caused by excessive hyperextension load. A newly published study co-authored by Lars Engebretsen found, through video analysis, that elbow valgus loading is a more likely cause of this injury.

  • The first case report of ACI for the cartilage lesion of the distal tibia

    This article presents the first long-term follow-up case report in which autologous chondrocyte transplantation was performed in a distal tibial chondral lesion. The authors found this technique to be a promising treatment option for young patients with massive chondral and osteochondral lesions in the ankle joint.

  • The risk of ACL injuries in women's soccer is as high as in women's team handball

    Four international studies the last two years have shown high incidences of ACL-injuries in women’s elite soccer ranging from 0.6 to 2.2 injuries per 1000 game hours. This is more than seen in elite team handball in Norway (1.6 per 1000 game hours) considered as a high-risk sport for ACL-injuries.

  • The anatomy of the medial part of the knee described precisely for the first time!

    The first quantitative anatomy study carried out on the medial aspect of the human knee supplies important information previously not described. This information can be utilized to optimize surgery and rehabilitation of a large number of knee injuries.

  • Injury prevention strategy helps cut ACL tears rates 50% and reduces injury risk

    In a interview with Orthopaedics Today International, Roald Bahr - co-chair of the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center explains about the multidiciplinary approach of injury prevention rather than injury treatment.

  • Poor accuracy in video analysis based on visual inspection

    In the latest issue of Gait & Posture, the validity of visual inspection as a method was tested. The results were not impressive.

  • Mechanisms for ACL injuries in basketball

    A new study from Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center showed that “valgus collapse” is very common in non-contact ACL injuries. This is another indication that valgus loading likely is an important factor in such injuries – in particular in women.

  • The teams in the SPILLEKLAR!-project ready for the fall season

    The coaches 120 girls’ teams have since February sent in weekly registration forms, where they have registered training-/match attendance and injuries of all the players. After a well-deserved vacation, they are now ready for the last part of the season, starting in August.

  • Final program for the Advanced Team Physician Course is ready!

    We are proud to announce the final program for the Advanced Team Physician Course – a pre-congress satellite course to the 2nd World Congress of Sports Prevention aimed at the team physician. With 25 top-of-the-line invited speakers from nine different countries, you will be geared towards the practical issues of working with high-level athletes in a team sports setting. We will discuss many of the difficult issues and cases facing the team physician.

  • Is the injury risk higher on artificial turf than on natural grass?

    This is one of the questions we would like to answer when the injury registration during Norway Cup 2007 is being conducted in the end of July, for the third year in a row.