Liste over publikasjoner
MRI appearance does not change in the first 7 days after acute hamstring injury-a prospective study
Wangensteen, Arnlaug; Bahr, Roald; Van Linschoten, Robbart; Almusa, Emad; Whiteley, Rodney; Witvrouw, Erik; Tol, Johannes
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(14):1087-1092
No negative effect on patient-reported outcome of concomitant cartilage lesions 5–9 years after ACL reconstruction
Ulstein, Svend; Bredeland, Karin; Årøen, Asbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars; Røtterud, Jan Harald
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2017:25(5):1482-1488
Sports injuries and illnesses in the Lillehammer 2016 Youth Olympic Winter Games
Steffen, Kathrin; Moseid, Christine Holm; Engebretsen, Lars; Søberg, Pia K; Amundsen, Olav; Holm, Kristian; Moger, Thomas; Soligard, Torbjørn
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(1):29-35
Association between lower extremity muscle strength and noncontact ACL injuries
Steffen, Kathrin; Nilstad, Agnethe; Kristianslund Eirik K, Myklebust, Grethe; Bahr; Roald; Krosshaug, Tron
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2016:48(11):2082-2089
Can Clinical Evaluation Predict Return to Sport after Acute Hamstring Injuries? A Systematic Review
Schut, Lotte; Wangensteen, Arnlaug; Maaskant, Jolanda; Tol, Johannes L; Bahr, Roald; Moen, Maarten
Sports Medicine 2017:47(6):1123-1144
Tunnel widening in single- versus double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed knees
Aga, Cathrine; Wilson, Katharine J; Johansen, Steinar; Dornan, Grant; La Prade, Robert F; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2017:25(4):1316-1327
German translation and content validation of the OSTRC Questionnaire on overuse injuries and health problems
Hirschmüller, Anja; Steffen, Kathrin; Fassbender, Katharina; Clarsen, Ben; Leonhard; Konstantinidis; Südkamp; Kubosch, Eva Johanna
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(4):260-263
Intertunnel relationships in the tibia during reconstruction of multiple knee ligaments How to avoid tunnel convergence
Moatshe, Gilbert; Slette, Erik L; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medcine 2016:44(11):2864-2869
Multiple ligament reconstruction femoral tunnels intertunnel relationships and guidelines to avoid convergence
Moatshe, Gilbert; Brady, AW; Slette, EL; Chahla, J; Turnbull, TL; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:45(3):563-569
Hamstring and quadriceps isokinetic strength deficits are weak risk factors for hamstring strain injuries: a 4-year cohort study
van Dyk, Nicol; Bahr, Roald; Whiteley, Rod; Tol, Johannes; Kumar, Bhavesh; Hamilton, Bruce; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Witvrouw, Erik
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:44(7):1789-1795
How much is too much? (Part 2) - International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of illness
Schwellnus, Martin; Soligard, Torbjørn; Alonso, Juan-Manuel; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Dijkstra, Paul; Gabbett, Tim; Gleeson, Michael; Hägglund, Martin; Hutchinson, Mark; Van Rensburg, Christa; Meeusen, Romain; Orchard, Johan; Pluim, Babette; Raftery, Martin; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:50(17):1043-1052
How much is too much? (Part 1) - International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of injury
Soligard, Torbjørn; Schwellnus, Martin; Alonso, Juan-Manuel; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Dijkstra, Paul; Gabbett, Tim; Gleeson, Michael; Hägglund, Martin; Hutchinson, Mark; Van Rensburg, Christa; Khan, Karim; Meeusen, Romain; Orchard, Johan; Pluim, Babette; Raftery, Martin; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:50(17):1030-1041
Helmet use and risk of head injuries in alpine skiers and snowboarders: changes after an interval of one decade
Sulheim, Steinar; Ekeland, Arne; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(1):44-50
Hamstring reinjuries occur at the same location and early after return to sport - a descriptive study of MRI-confirmed reinjuries
Wangensteen, Arnlaug; Tol, Johannes; Witvrouw, Erik; van Linschoten, Robbart; Almusa, Emad; Hamilton, Bruce; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:44(8):2112-2121
Preventing overuse shoulder injuries among throwing athletes: a cluster-randomised controlled trial in 660 elite handball players
Andersson, Stig Haugsboe; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Myklebust, Grethe
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(14):1073-1080
Interseason variability of a functional movement test, the 9+ screening battery, in professional male football players
Bakken, Arnhild; Targett, Steven; Bere, Tone; Eirale, Christiano; Farooq, A; Tol, Johannes; Whiteley, Rod; Witvrouw, Erik; Khan, Karim; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(14):1081-1086
Stiff landings are associated with increased ACL injury risk in young female basketball and floorball players
Leppänen, Mari; Pasanen, Kati; Kujala, Urho; Vasankari, Tommi; Kannus, Pekka; Äyrämö, Sami; Krosshaug, Tron; Bahr, Roald; Avela, Janne; Jarmo Perttunen, Jarmo; Parkkari, Jari
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:45(2):386-393
Health conditions detected in a comprehensive periodic health evaluation of 558 professional football players
Bakken, Arnhild; Targett, Stephen; Bere, Tone; Adamuz, Maria-Carmen; Tol, Johannes L; Whiteley, Rod; Wilson, Mathew G; Witvrouw, Erik; Khan, Karim M; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:50(18):1142-1150
Role of illness in male professional football: not a major contributor to time loss
Bjørneboe, John; Kristenson, Karolina; Waldén, Markus; Bengtsson, Håkon; Ekstrand, Jan; Hägglund, Martin; Rønsen, Ola; Andersen, Thor Einar
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:50(11):699-702
Changes in knee osteoarthritis, symptoms, and function after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A 20-year prospective follow-up study
Risberg, May Arna; Oiestad, Britt Elin; Gunderson, Raghnhild; Aune, Arne Kristian; Engebretsen, Lars; Culvenor, Adam; Holm, Inger
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:44(5):1215-1224
The Vertical Drop Jump Is a Poor Screening Test for ACL Injuries in Female Elite Soccer and Handball Players: A Prospective Cohort Study of 710 Athletes
Krosshaug, Tron; Steffen, Kathrin; Kristianslund, Eirik Klami; Nilstad, Agnethe; Mok, Kam-Ming; Myklebust, Grethe; Andersen, Thor Einar; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:44(4):874-883
The effect of overhead target on the lower limb biomechanics during a vertical drop jump test in elite female athletes
Mok, Kam ming; Bahr, Roald; Krosshaug, Tron
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2017:27(2):161-166
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