Personal page of Nils Fredrik Holm Moseid
Details about researcher: Nils Fredrik Holm Moseid

Nils Fredrik Holm Moseid
MD PhD candidateCV
MD from Bergen 1997, GP, specialist in family medicine, started his PhD-period at the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center in 2017.
The subject is injury and illness in adolescent elite athletes, and the impact of these on performance and development in sports. This project is a follow-up on the cohort studied in Christine Holm Moseids project, "The Young Athlete's Health".
Projects: Impact of injury and Illness for Performance and Development in Adolescent Elite Athletes
The Grand Leap: Role of Health Problems in Adolescence in establishing an Adult Sporting Career
Project manager: Nils Fredrik Holm Moseid
Impact of Illness and Injury on Achievement in Adolescent Elite Athletes
Project manager: Nils Fredrik Holm Moseid
Associations Between Health Problems and Athlete Burnout in Adolescent Elite Athletes
Project manager: Nils Fredrik Holm Moseid
Associations between health problems and athlete burnout: a cohort study in 210 adolescent elite athletes
Holm Moseid, Nils Fredrik; Lemyre, Nicolas; Roberts, Glyn C; Wang Fagerland, Morten; Holm Moseid, Christine; Bahr, Roald
BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine 2023 Mar 6;9(1) (Epub ahead of print)