Personal page of Ingar Holme
Details about researcher: Ingar Holme

Ingar Holme
Dr. philos Ingar Holme is a professor in biostatistics at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH). In addition he has a part time position at the Oslo Trauma Research Centre at NIH.
He also works as a senior researcher/epidemiologist at Clinic of Preventive Medicine at the Oslo University Hospital, Ulleval in Oslo. He is educated as an actuary and as a master of mathematical statistics and has a PhD. in epidemiology of the Oslo Heart Study from 1982.
His research field is primarily directed towards epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
With his experiences in project design and methods, as well as his outstanding capacity in statistics, Ingar is involved in more or less all projects at the OSTRC.
Ingar is first author or co-author of more than 240 scientific papers.
Risk factors for lower exteremity injuries in female football
Project manager: Agnethe Nilstad
The 11+
Project manager: Torbjørn Soligard
Video analysis of acute injuries in Norwegian male professional football
Project manager: Thor Einar Andersen
Football Incident Analysis (FIA): A new video-based method to analyse injury-risk situations in professional football
Project manager: Thor Einar Andersen
Injury risk on artificial turf in youth football
Project manager: Torbjørn Soligard
Injury mechanisms for ankle injury in Scandinavian elite football
Project manager: Thor Einar Andersen
Individual risk factors for injuries in Icelandic soccer
Project manager: Arni Arnason
Prevention of hamstrings strains in football
Project manager: Arni Arnason
Prevention of injuries in female Norwegian elite soccer
Project manager: Agnar Tegnander
Prevention of knee and ankle injuries among young players in Norwegian team handball
Project manager: Odd-Egil Olsen
Prevention of football injuries: an intervention study
Project manager: Anders Engebretsen
The role of the referee: a video analysis of the interpretation of the rules of football in injury-risk situations in professional football
Project manager: Thor Einar Andersen
Preventing injuries in female youth football-a randomized controlled study
Project manager: Kathrin Steffen
Performance aspects of an injury prevention program: A 10-week intervention in adolescent female football players
Project manager: Kathrin Steffen
Traumatic brain injuries in football due to minor head trauma a prospective clinical study
Project manager: Truls Straume Næsheim
The Vertical Drop Jump Is a Poor Screening Test for ACL Injuries in Female Elite Soccer and Handball Players: A Prospective Cohort Study of 710 Athletes
Krosshaug, Tron; Steffen, Kathrin; Kristianslund, Eirik Klami; Nilstad, Agnethe; Mok, Kam-Ming; Myklebust, Grethe; Andersen, Thor Einar; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:44(4):874-883
Helmet use and risk of head injuries in alpine skiers and snowboarders: changes after an interval of one decade
Sulheim, Steinar; Ekeland, Arne; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(1):44-50
Preventing eating disorders among young elite athletes: a randomized controlled trial
Martinsen, Marianne; Bahr, Roald; Børresen, Runi; Holme, Ingar; Pensgaard, Anne Marte; Sundgot-Borgen, Jorunn
Medical and Science in Sport and Exercise 2014:46(3):435-447
The development of the Brief Eating Disorder in Athletes Questionnaire
Martinsen, Marianne; Holme, Ingar; Pensgaard, Anne Marte; Torstveit, Monica Klungland; Sundgot-Borgen, Jorunn
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2014:46(8):1666–1675
Risk factors for lower extremity injuries in elite female soccer players
Nilstad, Agnethe; Andersen, Thor Einar; Bahr, Roald; Holme, Ingar; Steffen, Kathrin
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:42(4):940-948
Risk factors for lower extremity injuries in elite female soccer players
Nilstad, Agnethe; Andersen, Thor Einar; Bahr, Roald; Holme, Ingar; Steffen, Kathrin
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:42(4):940-948
The prevalence of low back pain among former elite cross-country skiers, rowers, orienteerers, and nonathletes: a 10-year cohort study
Stange Foss, Ida; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2012:40(11):2610-2616
Risk factors for injuries in alpine skiing, telemark skiing and snowboarding--case-control study
Sulheim, Steinar; Holme, Ingar; Rødven, Andreas, Ekeland, Arne; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:45(16):1303-1309.
Cartilage repair in the rabbit knee: mosaic plasty resulted in higher degree of tissue filling but affected subchondral bone more than microfracture technique :A blinded, randomized, controlled, long-term follow-up trial in 88 knees
Heir, Stig; Arøen, Asbjørn; Løken, Sverre; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Reinholt, Finn
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatololgy, Arthroscopy 2012:20(2):197-209
Intrinsic risk factors for groin injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study
Engebretsen, Anders; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Americal Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:38(10):2051-2057
Intrinsic risk factors for hamstring injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study
Engebretsen, Anders; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:38(6):1147-1153
Compliance with a comprehensive warm-up programme to prevent injuries in youth football
Soligard, Torbjørn; Nilstad, Agnethe; Steffen, Kathrin; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Dvorak, Jiri; Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:44(11):787-793
Intrinsic risk factors for acute knee injuries among male football players: a prospective cohort study
Engebretsen, Anders; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2011:21(5):645-652
Do minor head impacts in soccer cause concussive injuries? A prospective case-control study
Straume-Næsheim, Truls; Andersen, Thor Einar; Holme, Ingar; McIntosh, Andrew; Dvorak, Jiri; Bahr, Roald
Neurosurgery 2009:64(4):719-725
Intrinsic risk factors for acute ankle injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study
Engebretsen, Anders; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2010:20(3):403-10
Prevention of injuries among male soccer players
Engebretsen Anders, Myklebust Grethe, Holme Ingar, Engebretsen Lars, Bahr Roald
A prospective, randomized intervention study targeting players with previous injuries or reduced function. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008. Doi:10.1177/0363546508314432. ISSN 0363-5465.
Comprehensive warm-up programme to prevent injuries in young female footballers: cluster randomised controlled trial
Soligard, Torbjørn; Myklebust, Grethe; Steffen, Kathrin; Holme, Ingar; Silvers, Holly; Bizzini, Mario; Junge, Astrid; Dvorak, Jiri; Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar
British Medical Journal 2008:9:337
Comprehensive warm-up programme to prevent injuries in female footballers: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Soligard, Torbjørn; Myklebust, Grethe; Steffen, Kathrin; Holme, Ingar; Silvers, Holly; Bizzini, Mario; Junge, Astrid; Dvorak, Jiri; Bahr, Roald; Andersen Thor Einar
British Medical Journal 2008:337:a2469
Self-reported injury history and lower limb function as risk factors for injuries in female youth soccer
Steffen, Kathrin; Myklebust, Grethe; Andersen, Thor Einar; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008:36(4):700-708
Preventing injuries in female youth football – a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Steffen, Kathrin; Myklebust, Grethe; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2008:18(5):605-614
Prevention of hamstring strains in elite soccer: an intervention study
Arnason, Arni; Andersen, Thor Einar; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2008:18(1):40-48
Prevention of injuries among male football players-a prospective randomized intervention study targeting players with previous injuries or reduced function
Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
In: 1st World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Oslo
Selv-rapportert skadehistorie og funksjon som risikofaktorer for skader i jentefotball
Steffen, Kathrin; Myklebust, Grethe; Andersen, Thor Einar; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2007, Oslo 2007-11-08 - 11-11
Risiko for ankel-, kne,- hamstring og lyskeskader blant mannlige fotballspillere
Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Norsk idrettsmedisin (21): Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress Hamar 2006. 01-11-2006 - 05-11-2006
Forebygging av skader blant mannlige fotballspillere-en prospektiv randomisert intervensjonsstudie
Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Norsk Kirurgisk Høstmøte, Holmenkollen Park Hotell. 2006-10-23 - 2006-10-27
Forebygging av skader blant unge kvinnelige fotballspillere: en randomisert kontrollert studie
Steffen, Kathrin; Myklebust, Grethe; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
I:Norsk Idrettsmedisin,21,27. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2006, Hamar 2006-11-02 - 2006-11-06
Helmet use and risk of head injuries in alpine skiers and snowboarders
Sulheim, Steinar; Holme, Ingar; Ekeland, Arne; Bahr, Roald
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 2006:295(8):919-924
Forebygging av skader blant mannlige fotballspillere-en prospektiv randomisert intervensjonsstudie
Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3, 18. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress Bergen. 03.-06.11.2005
Exercises to prevent lower limb injuries in youth sports: cluster randomised controlled trial
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
British Medical Journal 2005:330(7489):449
Risk factors for injuries in soccer
Arnason, Arni; Sigurdsson, Stefan B; Gudmundsson, Arni; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2004:32:5S-16S
Low back pain among endurance athletes with and without specific back loading: A cross-sectional survey of cross-country skiers, rowers, orienteerers, and nonathletic controls
Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Stig-Ove; Løken, Sverre; Fossan, Bjørn; Hansen, Torger; Holme, Ingar
Spine 2004:29(4):449-454
Physical fitness, injuries, and team performance in soccer
Arnason, Arni; Sigurdsson, Stefan B; Gudmundsson, Arni; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2004:36(2):278-285
Risk factors for sports injuries: a methodological approach
Bahr, Roald; Holme, Ingar
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2003:37(5):384-392
Forebygging av kne- og ankelskader i norsk juniorhåndball; en randomisert kontrollert studie
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin. 18, 3. 24. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress 2003, Stavanger, 2003-11-06 - 2003-11-09
Relationship between floor type and risk of ACL injury in team handball
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2003:13(5):299-304
Forebygging av skader i norsk elite kvinnefotball. Presentasjon av et oppvarmingsprogram
Tegnander, Agnar; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I:Norsk Idrettsmedisin,17,3,29. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Trondheim, 2002-10-31 - 2002-11-03
En tverrsnittsundersøkelse av forekomsten av korsryggsmerter hos norske langrennsløpere og orienteringsløpere på elitenivå
Andersen, Stig-Ove; Fossan, Bjørn; Hansen, Torgeir; Gabrielsen, Knut; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin (Abstract nr 1).16, 3. Medborgeren AS, ISSN 0806-9328. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Holmenkollen, 2001-11-01 - 2001-11-04
Kvalitetskontroll og databehandling ved kliniske/epidemiologiske studier
Bendiksen, Fredrik S; Holme, Ingar; Nicolaisen, Berit
2000. Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, høstseminar 2000. Lillehammer, 31.oktober
A prospective cohort study of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in elite Norwegian team handball
Myklebust, Grethe; Maehlum, Sverre; Holm, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Scince in Sports 1998 Jun;8(3):149-53