Personal page of Cecilie Benedicte Isern
Details about researcher: Cecilie Benedicte Isern

Cecilie Benedicte Isern
MD PhD candidateCV
Cecilie Benedicte (born 1988) is connected to Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre trough her research on sudden cardiac arrest related to physical activity. Together with Hilde Moseby Berge she has previously published a review article on blood pressure in athletes.
Cecilie graduated as a physician from University of Oslo in January 2015, and has since September 2017 been involved in research at Division of Prehospital Services at Oslo University Hospital. Most of her research is conducted at the Norwegian Cardiac Arrest Registry (NorCAR) situated at the Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Prehospital Emergency Medicine (NAKOS), Ullevål hospital. Her main supervisor is Hilde Moseby Berge (MD, PhD). Jo Kramer-Johansen (professor and senior consultant in anaesthesiology) is the co-supervisor, and Eivind Berge† (professor and senior consultant in cardiology) a former co-supervisors.
From January 2024, the research will be combined with work as a medical doctor in the general practice at Berg Medical Centre.
A 3-year population-based study of exercise-related sudden cardiac arrest among 12- to 50-year-old Norwegians
Isern, Cecilie Benedicte; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Tjelmeland, Ingvild; Bahr, Roald; Moseby Berge, Hilde
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2023 Aug;33(8):1560-1569
Health-related quality of life in young Norwegian survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest related to pre-arrest exercise habits
Isern, Cecilie Benedicte; Blakstad Nilsson, Birgitta; Garratt, Andrew; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Tjelmeland, Ingvild B. M.; Moseby Berge, Hilde
Resusciation Plus 2023 Oct 5:16:100478. doi: 10.1016/j.resplu.2023.100478. eCollection 2023 Dec.
The aftermath of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest for young exercisers - a qualitative study in Norway
Hardeland, Camilla; Linqvist Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin; Isern, Cecilie Benedicte; Berge, Hilde Moseby
BMC Health Services Research 2022 Nov 30;22(1):1452. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-08674-z
Blood pressure and hypertension in athletes - a systematic review
Berge, Hilde Moseby; Isern, Cecilie B; Berge, Eivind
Br J Sports Med. 2015 Jun;49(11):716-23. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093976.