Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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Information about project titled 'Can experts visual assessment of VDJ technique predict players with increased ACL injury risk?'

Can experts visual assessment of VDJ technique predict players with increased ACL injury risk?

Details about the project - category Details about the project - value
Project status: Ongoing
Project manager: Anne Inger Mørtvedt
Supervisor(s): Tron Krosshaug, Erich Petushek


Introduction: It is unknown if sports medicine professionals can identify players at risk of sustaining an ACL injury.

Aim: To examine if sports medicine professionals have the ability to identify players at risk of sustaining an ACL injury by assessing the players’ performance of a vertical drop jump (VDJ) test.

Method: One hundred and ten video clips of elite female handball and soccer players performing the VDJ test were uploaded in an online survey. Sports medicine professionals were invited to assess their performance and rate each clip with a number between 1 and 10 (1 representing low risk of sustaining an ACL injury and 10 representing high risk). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves analyses were used to assess classification accuracy level for each assessor and between-group differences were analysed using Oneway ANOVA.