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Information about a piece of news titled Vancouver Olympic issue

Vancouver Olympic issue


The importance of sports medicine for the Vancouver Olympic Games is one of the main topics of this special issue of British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Supported by the IOC, papers included in this 2nd special issue are specifically dedicated to the athletes´ "Injury Prevention and Health Protection" (IPHP).


The role of the IOC will be to establish evidence-based knowledge, support research and disseminate the knowledge throughout the world of sports in cooperation with the international federations.


In the current edition of the IPHP, Flørenes and co-workers from the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center present the first data from the FIS injury surveillance system among World Cup alpine skiers, and their injury rate is indeed high.


But Vancouver represents much more than injuries. Evolution of new sports and equipment, for example boots, helmets and skis, drives the sports forward, oftentimes to be curbed by subsequent rule changes.


Two other examples from the issue´s table of content:


One month after the Olympics, the Paralympics starts, and one of the hot issues in the Vancouver Paralympics will be the athletes’ precompetition classification. These aspects will be debated in the paper of Beckman and Tweedy.


Regarding the challenge of quantifying overuse injury risk in athletes, prof. Roald Bahr introduces a long awaited methodological paper on the epidemiology of overuse injuries


These special issues of the British Journal of Sports Medicine Injury Prevention and Health Protection are edited by Prof. Lars Engebretsen, Head of the Scientific Activities in the IOC, and Kathrin Steffen.


Enjoy the warm-up.