Information about a piece of news titled "The double" for the Oslo Sports Trauma Reaserch Center at the National Sports Medicine Conference
"The double" for the Oslo Sports Trauma Reaserch Center at the National Sports Medicine Conference
Joar Harøy presented the main outcome of his PhD work at the annual Norwegian Sports Medicine Conference and won the 1st prize for the best oral presentation.

Near 550 researchers and clinicians were gathered in Stavanger in early November to present and discuss a diversity of sports medicine topics of high-level standard. Senior researchers and PhD students from the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center and the Department of Sports Medicine at the Norwegian School of Sciences were highly represented with their works.
The 3-day conference program was focussing on physical activity and health, health trends, shoulder and back pain, and heart diseases followed by lectures and work shops.
AlfaCare prize to Joar Harøy
6 pre-nominated researchers presented their work for the competition of the AlfaCare prize of 15.000 NOK and 5.000 NOK for the second place.
The winner, Joar Harøy, presented an outstanding talk on his work on the effectiveness of injury prevention training to reduce the risk of groin pain among male football players.
The second prize also went to a PhD-student from the OSTRC, Torstein Dalen, for his work on surveillance of health problems among junior elite football players.
In addition to Joar and Torstein, Guro Bernhardsen and Bjørge Herman Hansen from the Department of Sports Medicine were among the selected 6 candidates for the AlfaCare prize.
Congratulations to all of them!