Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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Information about a piece of news titled Surgical transplanted periosteum as coverage of an articular cartilage defect does not last for more than one week

Surgical transplanted periosteum as coverage of an articular cartilage defect does not last for more than one week


A published experimental study from Acta Orthopaedica in the April issue explore the use of periosteum as coverage of the articular cartilage defect.


This is commonly used as coverage of the defect in the chondrocyte implantation technique to repair cartilage defect. This experimental study demonstrated that 80 % of the periosteum flaps would stay in the defect for one week; while after two weeks the presence of this coverage was reduced to 20 %. These numbers where not affected by restrictions of joint movement after surgery. The result underlines the need for further development of implantation techniques with other schaffolds or coverage to secure the presence of adequate number of cells during the repair process. Earlier studies form the same research group has demonstrated the cartilage injuries often are associated with knee injuries in athletic activities. Hopefully the current results can be utilized to further improve our current result with surgical cartilage repair. This study was performed by PhD-student Asbjørn Årøen with Oslo Sports Trauma Center with co-authors Stig Heir, Sverre Løken and Professor Finn Reinholt (Rikshospitalet) and Professor Lars Engbretsen.



Read the article here.