Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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Information about a piece of news titled Preliminary program & Second Announcement already ready!

Preliminary program & Second Announcement already ready!


The program is ready!!! A spectacular line-up of no less than 76 internationally respected speakers from 13 countries has lined up to make the 1st World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention next year a truly memorable event. We invite you to join us in beautiful Oslo to enjoy a spectacular scientific program. Dont miss it!

The conference will be held at the beautiful Holmenkollen Park Hotel

The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center has taken the initiative to organize the first sports medicine congress dedicated to the prevention of sports injuries. We expect to attract a large international group of scientists, physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, coaches and sports officials. But remember to register early attendance is limited to 500 participants on a first come, first serve basis!



The Scientific Committee has selected the best from many excellent proposals for symposia and topics to include:


Injury-specific prevention approaches including Ankle sprains, Knee ligament injuries (ACL), Head & neck injuries, Hamstring strains, Groin injuries, and others focusing on:


- Risk factors

- Injury mechanisms

- Prevention methods


Sport-specific injury prevention methods including Soccer, Team handball, Basketball, Ice hockey, Racquet sports, Alpine skiing & snowboarding, Volleyball, and others focusing on:


- Injury patterns

- Injury mechanisms

- Prevention methods


Among the highlights of the congress are the keynote presentations:


- Roald Bahr, MD PhD, Professor & Chair, Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, Oslo, Norway & Lars Engebretsen, MD PhD, Professor & Co-Chair, Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center; Chair, Orthopeadic Center, Ullevål University Hospital, Oslo, Norway: Sports injury prevention the need for an evidence-based approach

- Jan Ekstrand, MD PhD, Professor,Linköping Medical Center, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden: Looking back 25 years in sports injury prevention

- Gordon O. Matheson, MD PhD, Professor, Orthopedic Surgery (Sports Medicine) at the Stanford University Medical Center,Stanford, California, USA: Prevention vs. Cure the team physician perspective

- Caroline Finch,Professor, NHMRC Principal Research Fellow, Director, NSW Injury Risk Management Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Australia: Research methods in sports injury prevention

- Jiri Dvorak, MD, Professor of Neurology, Schulthess Clinic Zurich, Switzerland, Chairman, FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Center (F-MARC): Development and implementation of an injury prevention program in soccer a global undertaking

- Willem Meeuwisse, MD PhD, Professor, University of Calgary, Sport Medicine Centre, Calgary, Canada: Where do we go from here?

Take this opportunity to experience the late sunny evenings in Oslo around Midsummer Nights Eve!



More details about the congress here: www.klokeavskade.no/Congress2005.

If you have further questions, please contact the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center at Congress2005@nih.no.