Information about a piece of news titled Nomination at the ISAKOS Congress 2023
Nomination at the ISAKOS Congress 2023
Dr. Kyle Martin and his team nominated as one of the finalists for the Albert Trillat Young Investigator's Award. The winner will be presented at the ISAKOS Congress which are held in Boston, USA, in June 2023

The biannual ISAKOS Congress will be held in Boston from June 18th to June 22nd 2023. This year, Dr. Kyle Martin and his team, many from the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, who are working with the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registers, are nominated with the abstract; "Unsupervised Machine Learning Of The Combined Danish And Norwegian Knee Ligament Registers Identifies Five Discreet Patient Groups With Differing Acl Revision Rates", and are one of the finalists for the Albert Trillat Young Investigator's Award.
The award is named after former President and founder of the International Society of the Knee, Professor Albert Trillat, who was one of the pioneers in knee surgery and sports traumatology.
The Albert Trillat Award provides recognition for a young researcher who has done outstanding clinical laboratory research contributing to the understanding, care or prevention of injuries to the knee.
The award has been given out every second year from 1989.