Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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New web site released!


The new web site for the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center has been released! In addition to the new design and layout, the new site will make information about the center, its research staff, activities and projects easily accessible. One new feature is the possibility to subscribe to newsletters via e-mail.

The new web site for the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center pages was released on April 17. The pages are developed by Making Waves and are aimed at researchers, coaches, athletes, media and others interested in injury prevention. All the information from the old web site is still available, but also includes an option to subscribe to newsletters to stay updated on new developments at the center.


Now you will also find updated information on the 2nd World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, which will be hosted by the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center in Tromsø in June 2008.


This spring we will also release Skadefri!, a sub-site with practical information about injury prevention targeting athletes and coaches.