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New strict rules to handle concussions in rugby sport


Simple sideline assessment tools to diagnose concussions in sports are now available to help the medical team and coaches to better protect their athletes.

Download new practical guidelines on how to handle concussions in rugby and other sports to the benefits and safety of the athletes.


History: The 3rd international conference on concussion in sports was held in Zurich this winter and resulted in a practical Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT2), its short version (Pocket SCAT2, see above), and a simple balance assessment tool.


The aims of the conference were to provide recommendations for the improvement of safety and health of athletes who suffer concussive injuries in sports as ice hockey, rugby, and football (soccer).


The SCAT2 and the balance tests represent standardized methods to evaluate concussed athletes, and are developed for physicians, physiotherapists, certified athletic trainers, health professionals, coaches and other people involved in the care of injured participants and athletes above the age of 10 years at all levels (more information).


Informasjon på norsk: De nye diagnostiske hjelpemiddlene for idrettsutøvere med mistanke om hjernerystelse er blitt oversatt til norsk.

Mer om materialet, SCAT2 og balansetesten, samt deres bakgrunn finner du på våre websider www.skadefri.no og www.klokavskade.no.