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New paper - Effective hamstrings strength training program


In a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, Mjølsnes and co-workers from the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center show that a program using the Nordic hamstring training exercise for 10 weeks more effectively develops maximal eccentric hamstrings strength in well-trained soccer players than a comparable program based on traditional hamstring curls.


The Nordic hamstring exercise proved to be effective for developing maximal eccentric hamstrings strength

The project was based on the assumption that inadequate hamstring strength, strength imbalance between hamstrings and quadriceps and/or bilateral hamstring strength deficits may be important risk factors for hamstring strains.If insufficient hamstrings strength is a causative factor for strains, effective training methods to increase strength are important. Moreover, since it is likely that the hamstrings tear during eccentric muscle action, it may be particularly important to increase the eccentric strength properties of the muscle.


The exercise used has been named Nordic Hamstrings lowers,a partner exercise where the subject attempts to resist a forward falling motion using his hamstrings to maximize loading in the eccentric phase. The subjects were asked to keep their hips fixed in a slightly flexed position throughout the whole range of motion, and to brake the forward fall for as long as possible using their hamstrings.


The purpose of the study was to compare the effects of a 10-week training program with two different exercises traditional hamstring curl (HC) and Nordic hamstrings lowers (NH) on muscle strength among male soccer players. Subjects were 21 well-trained players who were randomized to NH-training (n=11) or HC-training (n=10). The programs were similar, with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions from 2 sets of 6 reps to 3 sets of 8-12 reps over 4 weeks, then increasing load during the final 6 weeks of training. Strength was measured as maximal torque on a Cybex dynamometer before and after the training period.


The results showed that in the NH-group there was an 11% increase in eccentric hamstring torque measured at 60°/s, as well as a 7% increase in isometric hamstring strength at 90°, 60° and 30°of knee flexion. Since there was no effect on concentric quadriceps strength, there was a significant increase in the hamstring: quadriceps ratio from 0.89±0.12 to 0.98±0.17 (11%) in the NH-group. No changes were observed in the HC-group.


In other words,Nordic hamstring training for 10 weeks more effectively develops maximal eccentric hamstrings strength in well-trained soccer players than a comparable program based on traditional hamstring curls. Whether this means that the Nordic hamstrings strength training program can be used to prevent hamstrings strains needs to be investigated.



Read the article here.


See the training program and exercise here.