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ISAKOS -course in Advanced Arthroscopic Surgery


In collaboration with ISAKOS, the Advanced course in arthroscopic surgery will be arranged in Hotel Tott in Åre, Sweden, March 17-21, 2004.




The ISAKOS -course in Advanced Arthroscopic Surgery is held in Åre, Sweden 17th-21th March next year

The course is organised by Professor Torsten Wredmark at Department of Orthopaedics, Huddinge University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet. The faculty consist of Prof. Lars Engebretsen, Oslo, Norway; Prof. Jon Karlsson, Gothenburg, Sweden; Ass. Prof. Uffe Jörgensen, Copenhagen, Denmark; Dr. Jerker Sandelin, Helsinki, Finland; Dr. Mats Brittberg, Kungälv, Sweden; Dr. Erik Solheim, Trondheim, Norway; Dr. Olof Lundin, Gothenburg, Sweden.







Preliminary program:


Wednesday March 17th          Registration 18:00-20:00

Thursday March 18th
08:00-08:30          Introduction, T Wredmark
09:00-12:00          Live surgery by Internet: ACL-                            reconstruction from Huddinge University hospital
12:00-16:00          Lunch break
16:15-17:00          Workshop: ACL
17:00-18:30          Meniscal surgery, preservation or not.

                            U Jörgenssen

Friday March  19th
08:00-12:00          Ankle and hind foot arthroscopy.   

                            J Karlsson, T Wredmark.  Workshop

12:00-16:00          Lunch break

16:30-19:00          Treatment of chondral lesions in the knee.

                            M Brittberg, E Solheim

                            Workshops for Meniscal surgery and cartilage


Saturday March 20th
08:00-12:00          ACL and PCL-surgery, indications, graft  selection  

                            and rereconstruction, graft vitality, motion 

                            MR, PCL. U Jörgenssen, J Karlsson,

                            T Wredmark, L Engebretsen


12:00-16:00          Lunch break

16:30-18:00          Live Surgery: Cuff suture. S Burkhart (USA)

18:00-19:00          Arthroscopic cuff surgery. O Lundin

Course dinner

Sunday March 21st
08:00-09:00          Hip arthroscopy - Indications, results 

                            and technique.                                     

                            J Sandelin

09:00-10:00          PCL and multiple ligament surgery. L Engebretsen
11:00-12:00          General discussion and closure


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