Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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Information about a piece of news titled Is the injury risk higher on artificial turf than on natural grass?

Is the injury risk higher on artificial turf than on natural grass?


This is one of the questions we would like to answer when the injury registration during Norway Cup 2007 is being conducted in the end of July, for the third year in a row.

Although several studies are conducted on this topic, at the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center as well as in other research groups, there are still several aspects that needs to be investigated. Examples can be the effect that artificial turfs have on overuse injuries or minor to moderate injuries that do not cause time-loss from matches but still causes pain and discomfort


In Norway Cup 2005 and 2006 the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center conducted a study where the purpose was to find out whether there is a difference in injury risk between play on natural grass and on artificial grass in youth football. As a continual injury registration, the project will be conducted also in Norway Cup 2007.


The project includes all the 11-aside classes in Norway Cup 2007, in other words players 13-19 years of age of both sexes. Hence, the injury registration includes approximately 1 000 teams, 15 000 football players and 2 000 matches.


Prior to each match the referee hands out an injury registration form to the coaches. The coaches fill in the form during or direct after the match. All injuries, painful conditions or physical complaints occurring during the match, even if the player is able to continue to play, are registered.


When the project is finished in 2009, an analysis of all the registered injuries will tell us if the risk of obtaining an injury is higher on either of the two surfaces.


Read more about the project here.