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Injury risk and artificial turf


A new study on injury risk in football-playing on artificial turf among young female  players will be published in the next issue of British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Artificial turf is becoming increasingly popular, although the injury risk on newer turf generations is unknown. There are strong debates on all levels of football play on the injury risk associated with artificial turf.


Therefore, the aim of this study that was carried out in the 2005 season was to examine the risk of injury on artificial turf compared to natural grass among young female football players. A total of 2 020 players from 109 teams (15.4±0.8 years) participated, and all time-loss injuries and exposure data on different turf types were recorded.


After an eight month follow-up period, the overall risk of acute injuries was similar between artificial turf and natural grass among the young female players.


Given the practical advantages of artificial turf, these results are promising for further expansion of artificial turf constructions.


The study was carried out by Kathrin Steffen, Thor Einar Andersen and Roald Bahr.


Read the article here.