Information about a piece of news titled Arnlaug Wangensteen defends her thesis on aug 30
Arnlaug Wangensteen defends her thesis on aug 30
PhD-candidate Arnlaug Wangensteen from the Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital and Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center will defend her thesis on "Acute hamstring injuries – diagnosis and prognosis" at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.

There is a lack of knowledge and no consensus regarding the diagnosis and prognosis for time to return to sport (RTS) after acute hamstring injuries. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate aspects related to diagnosis and prognosis of acute hamstring injuries in male athletes, based on baseline clinical examinations and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Following the injury, there were no significant day-to-day changes in the extent of oedema for any of the oedema measures. Fibre disruption was detectable from day 1, with small and insignificant changes. Based on these findings, MRI can be taken on any day during the first week after acute hamstring muscle injury with equivalent findings.
Regarding prognosis, there were wide individual variations in RTS. Patient history and clinical examinations alone explained 29% of the total variance in RTS. The additional predictive value of MRI was negligible. Baseline clinical and MRI examinations cannot be used to predict RTS just after an acute hamstring injury. There is no rationale for routine MRI after injury.
Professors Roald Bahr and Johannes Tol served as supervisors for Arnlaug.
Read more about Arnlaug´s projects
Program for August 30 (Place: Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo)
10:15-11:00: Trial lecture on "Etiology and treatment of achilles and patellar tendinopathy"
13:00-15:30: PhD defense
1. opponent: Dr med Markus Waldén, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
2. opponent: Prof Hans Zwerer, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Head: Professor May Arna Risberg, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Norway
Trial lecture and PhD defense will be held in English and are open for public. WELCOME