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Informasjon om prosjekttittel 'Clinical characteristics and outcomes following primary ACL reconstruction and meniscal ramp repair'

Clinical characteristics and outcomes following primary ACL reconstruction and meniscal ramp repair

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Prosjektstatus: Ongoing
Prosjektleder: Nicholas DePhillipo
Veileder(e): Lars Engebretsen, Robert LaPrade


Background: Medial meniscal ramp tears are common injuries associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. Previous biomechanical studies report an increase in knee kinematics and force on the ACL reconstruction (ACLR) graft. However, some authors have reported the ability for these lesions to heal without surgical treatment due to high vascularity within the zone in which a ramp lesion occurs. Therefore, controversy exists regarding repair versus no treatment, with a paucity of literature reporting on outcomes following meniscal ramp treatment. 

Aim: To evaluate patient reported outcomes in patients with ACLR and medial meniscus ramp repair compared to isolated ACLR patients

Methods: Case control (level 3) study. Patients with combined ACLR and medial meniscus ramp repair will be matched according to age and gender with patients who have underwent primary isolated ACLR. Inclusion criteria: patients who underwent combined primary ACLR and medial meniscus ramp repair from 2010-2016 with a minimum of 2-year follow-up. Exclusion criteria: multi-ligament knee reconstruction, meniscal root tears, meniscal radial tears, concomitant cartilage procedures, concomitant osteotomy procedures, concomitant fractures, revision ACLR.

Implications: The results will provide information regarding inside-out repair of meniscal ramp lesions and the efficacy of this treatment option compared to patients who undergo isolated ACLR.