Senter for idrettsskadeforskning

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Informasjon om en nyhet med tittelen ACSM 50th Annual Meeting

ACSM 50th Annual Meeting


Senter for idrettsskadeforskning vil på årets ACSM konferanse i San Francisco 28-31 mai stå ansvarlig for et 3 timer langt symposium med tittelen Sports injury prevention on the new millenium- An evidence-based approach. Dr med. Roald Bahr leder symposiumet og vil i tillegg holde to foredrag.













Senter for idrettsskadeforskning og seksjon for Idrettsmedisin ved Norges idrettshøgskole har i tillegg følgende deltagere som bidrar med postere eller foredrag:




Anderssen SA, Braut R, Hjelstuen AK, Bjerkan K, Holme I. Physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and intima-media thickness in hypertensive patients.



Lena Klasson-Heggebø & Sigmund A. Anderssen. Good cardiorespiratory fitness and a healthy diet A combination for better health among children and youth?



Kari Bø & Lene A. Hagen. Musculoskeletal and motor fitness tests in a Norwegian rural population 18-67 years of age.



Hodt C, Hausken V, Klasson-Heggebø L, Fredriksen PM. Levels of physical activity in 9- to 12-year old children inNorway- do they fulfill the recommendations?



Kjersti Storheim



Sundgot-Borgen  J, Rønsen O. Sex and performance in olympic level athletes



Torstveit MK, Sundgot-Borgen J. Are elite athletes less at risk for the female athlete triad compared to non-athletic controls?



R. Mjølsnes, A. Arnason, T. Østhagen, T. Raastad, J. Hallén, R. Bahr, FACSM. A comparison of two different exercises on hamstring strength a 10-week training study



Joern Torjussen MD, Roald BahrMD PhD. Injuries among competitive snowboarders at the national elite level



Steinar Sulheim, MD, Arne Ekeland, MD, PhD, Roald Bahr, MD, PhD. Self-estimation of ability among skiers and snowboarders in alpine skiing resorts



T.E. Andersen, A. Tenga, L. Engebretsen, R. Bahr. Rule violation as a cause of injuries in male Norwegian soccer are the referees doing their job?



T.E. Andersen, Ø. Larsen, A. Tenga, L. Engebretsen, R. Bahr. Football Incident Analysis in male Norwegian professional soccer - A prospective video analysis